What does vulnerability look like?

“In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.” - Caroline Caldwell

I’ve been working on several upcoming projects that require very deep inner work. Maybe that’s why I’ve been procrastinating a bit. Sitting alone with yourself and your thoughts and feelings doesn’t seem very appealing. At least the ego would tell you it’s not.

Queue the Netflix binge-worthy shows, summer reading list, umpteenth “healthy” dessert recipe… those toilets could use a deep cleaning right about now, couldn’t they?

My assignment was to come up with something I can commit to doing immediately that supports the work I envision doing…


And so I decided that I can do something vulnerable every single day.

What does this look like? It could look like being the first to apologize, or speaking up to that stranger in the grocery store. It could look like going to my favorite coffee shop without the make-up that gives me a facade of courage.

It could look like allowing myself to really feel the truth inside of me instead of turning away and falling into old addictive numbing patterns. Or actually expressing that truth to the world.

It could look like seeing my body—facing the mirror and affirming a love for myself.

It could look like doing something that scares me. Or it could look like forgiving myself for the thing I most regret having done.


I can do something vulnerable every single day.

This woman’s vulnerability looked like standing in a public place, blindfolded, wearing only a bikini. Holding markers in her outstretched hands, she invited strangers to draw hearts or other loving messages on her body.

I’m not asking you to take such drastic measures (unless you feel called to do so!), but I invite you to join me in the art of practicing vulnerability every single day. Simple, but not so easy. Until it is.

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