emotional release

After over a decade of healing from multiple “mystery” illnesses, I’ve concluded that the root of dis-ease in the body and mind is repressed emotional energy. As trite as it sounds, we must feel it to heal it.

There are many somatic, psychological, and neuroplasticity-based modalities I have explored myself and with clients. However, until discovering Neo Emotional Release, I hadn’t encountered anything as comprehensive and powerful for releasing emotions.

what is it?

Neo Emotional Release is a transformative healing journey that invites you to explore the depths of your most suppressed and rejected emotions in a safe and supported environment.

Guided by a skilled facilitator one-on-one, this treatment combines verbal guidance, psychosomatic bodywork, and subconscious visualizations. This emotion-centric approach is adapted to the organic rhythm and pace of how fast or slow each person is ready to process their emotions.

Each session is unique and can involve anything from gentle, supportive touch to intense emotional expressions.

At the core of this work lies an empowered space of genuine human-to-human connection that encourages true authenticity, vulnerability, and the expression of all human emotions.

Whether you experience in-person or online sessions, Neo Emotional Release releases what no longer serves you and leads towards more purpose, health, and psychological well-being.

five core components

Each of the Five Core Components serves as a pillar that contributes to the practice’s holistic approach to emotional and relational well-being.

At the heat of this practice is the Master State, a foundational realm of safe human connection. Grounded in both co-regulation science and the art of deep human connection, the Master State serves as the bedrock for all other techniques and sets the stage for a multi-layered approach to emotional and psychosomatic well-being.



The short answer is that every session is unique. The structure of our time together varies and is fluid, though the tools I use to facilitate your process come from Neo Emotional Release, TRE, breathwork, and the science of neuroplasticity. My facilitation is intuitively guided by each client’s response. The body has in innate knowing of what needs to be released at that time in your life.


Some sort of pain is likely what brought you here. As we learn to get curious with our discomfort, and ease into acceptance in lieu of resistance, we are able to make our way through and to the other side. No matter how the session unfolds, I guide you through gently arriving back at the end of the session so that you can gracefully transition into your day.


I do offer virtual sessions via Zoom. I offer live private sessions for those who live in the Sarasota/Tampa area. To inquire about a virtual or in-person session please contact me.