The Best Solution for Covidcation Boredom


I’m officially reinstating the Bored Jar. Back in the day, when my boys were in preschool and elementary, uttering the words, “Mom, I’m bored,” meant playing Russian roulette with the family jar. There were plenty of fun games and activities inside that little glass container, but there were also a few chores sprinkled in. I miss that age. Somehow the allure of pulling a mystery slip of paper from the jar outweighed the risk that they would be tasked with cleaning their rooms or helping mom fold laundry. (In fact, we were often able to make those chores seem fun!)

My kids are now both teenagers, and given this sudden turn of world events we are finding ourselves living in strangely similar circumstances. Now, if we here those grumbling words uttered or if they are found migrating from game screen to cell phone to TV, we know it’s time to pull out The Covidcation Bored Jar.

This 2020 version has been updated for my older boys and our current shelter-in-place status. Feel free to use our boredom busters or use them as a springboard to create your own. Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear from you in the comments!


Simply print the free downloadable label pdf on sticker sheets and cut by hand or use a 2” or 2.5” circle punch. A second pdf of suggested boredom busters should get you started!


Be sure to check out my previous posts about finding peace and calm during this coronavirus.

Family Confinement Tips from Parents Who Know
How to Recognize Hidden Fear Amid a Pandemic
8 Body & Mind Tools to Bring Calm in the Face of Fear

Please share with others. We could all use a daily dose of heart-lifting and health-inspiring media.


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