Being True to Yourself

I was drawn to this quote by Dr. Seuss when decorating my son’s “big boy” room years ago. I displayed it proudly above his bed in those adhesive vinyl letters that were so popular (and maybe still are?). 

Ten years later I’ve begun to realize that those words speak volumes about who he is today. I don’t know how many times he read them as he drifted off to sleep at night or played with legos in his room, or if he even really read them at all. Maybe it’s just coincidence that he grew into a pre-teen who seems to defy all “normal” middle school logic by taking pride in being himself - honest, youthful, goofy, sensitive… I like to think that I projected that image onto him, saw those admirable qualities in him from the start, maybe even knew who he was deep down and fought to help him be true to his essential self in spite of social pressures. 

My belief in him may have helped clear the path, but I think that above all he is wise beyond his years. In many ways he’s more a teacher to me than I have been to him. Trying to be the person that society expects you to be can be exhausting. This pressure put upon yourself to resist your true nature day in and day out can, and does, lead to dis-ease in the body. As they say, the (internal) struggle is real. The words of this African proverb speak volumes:

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”

I have noticed an ever increasing state of wellness and vibrancy as I continue to let go of the internal battles. The closer I follow the path of my essential self, the pure “me” that came into this life free of societal pressures, judgements, and expectation, the less room there is for conflict or struggle. 

THIS WEEK: Try being brutally honest with yourself. Who are you really? As you begin to rediscover the authentic “you” give yourself permission to LOVE her.

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