
Today we celebrate. We celebrate the first harvest with friends and family. We gobble turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. We maybe engage in a well-informed political spat with those we love. 😳 We talk with others (possibly more than we would like).

On any other day, if I were to ask you who you talk to the most, how would you respond?

Your partner? Your child? Or maybe it’s your closest friend. Or your co-worker.

Honestly, though, the person you talk to the most is … yourself. 

From the second you begin to open your eyes, to the moment your head hits the pillow at night, your mind is in a constant chatter. For those who have worked with me, you've heard me use the terms "monkey mind" or "inner lizard" quite a bit. The incessant monologue inside our heads is constantly revisiting the past and projecting the future. And most of the time neither are very pretty.

I like to observe this madness as if it's actually a dialogue. A conversation between my wise inner guide and that hypervigilant lizard who is quite seasoned at twisting the truth.

Scientific research has shown that you'll have as many as 65,000 thoughts today and that 95% of them will be the same ones you had yesterday and the day before and the day before and …


These recurring thought patterns are often a big part of the stuckness we feel when living with "mystery" illnesses. Over the past several years I have helped clients overcome their symptoms of dis-ease by leading them through proven tools and guidance that literally rewire the brain for healing. This concept, called neuroplasticity, is at the root of my Free Your Mind program. The program has recently been redesigned for 2019, and I'm offering this comprehensive online version at a very affordable price. 

One-to-one coaching sessions are now optional and available to program participants at a special rate, and the online program includes an extensive library of bonus lessons that go beyond the foundational material taught in my flagship Free Your Mind eCourseThe $649 price has been reduced to $289 in this new format!! 

Guess what?  
TODAY THROUGH MONDAY YOU CAN SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 40%, allowing you or your loved one to join my popular program for a fraction of the original price! Anyone who signs up before Christmas will also be mailed a custom journal and pen to be wrapped as a gift or to jump-start your own healing journey.

Just enter code GRATITUDE at checkout.

You are hardwired for physical survival. We all are. And at some point in your life, for whatever reason, a part of you (we'll call this your "limbic system") did not feel safe and created a reaction to protect you and ensure your survival.

Maybe it was a difficult childhood. Perhaps it was a stressful relationship or soul-sucking job. Perhaps it was simply the toll that childbirth took on your body in the midst of other significant life changes. Your limbic system stepped in to protect you from all of the stressors and challenges that life threw your way!

Unfortunately, this firestorm of stressors can lead to living (both consciously and subconsciously) a life of fear - fear of the next trigger or symptom that could harm you. Your hypervigilance keeps you playing small and, over time, can lead to a new persona living in an ever-increasing bubble of "safety."  Is this how you want to live? Is this who you really are?

You CAN "rewire" your brain. You just need someone to guide you through the process.

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