Laid-back, who me?

Last weekend my extremely laid back, fun-loving, ever-present good friend sensed my left-brain logic kicking up in the midst of our conversation. I couldn't help it. It's the way I've always operated. Ask me a question these days about nutrition or pathogens or toxins and I'll get all cerebral on you! I like to try to make sense of things even if it sends me down one rabbit hole after another in my mind. 

Then she said calmly, "Carrie, isn't that exhausting?! All that thinking must take SO MUCH energy. I bet if you learn to trust instead of analyzing you could see how much more energy is available to you, just waiting to be released." 


My wise friend was right. Of course there's a time and a place for logic. But I work with many clients who find themselves stuck in their heads so much of the time. In the midst of a firestorm of mysterious and unnerving symptoms that baffle even doctors it can be difficult NOT to search frantically for answers.  We feel a sense of security in finding logical reasons for all our bodies' "defects". 

Once we rule out the big stuff, though, real healing often comes in trusting. Trusting that our bodies are wise. Trusting that the symptoms we're experiencing are messages from within. Trusting that we can get through this as we learn to nourish our bodies with the loving tools they so desperately want from us. 

As I learned to partner with my body, to become curious and open to its innate wisdom, I found a place of peace that has steadily led to healing that I never imagined possible. 

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THIS WEEK: Can you begin to notice how the endless search for answers outside yourself can be exhausting - to both your mind and your body? How does it feel to start to shift your perspective a bit from one of resistance to your physical challenges to one of partnership and surrender?