Can You Hear Your Inner Wisdom?

Picture yourself waiting for an elevator late at night, all alone in a quiet building. You push the button and search inside your bag for your keys as your mind wanders through any number of busy thoughts. Suddenly the elevator door opens and you're startled to see a strange man, who for some reason, makes you afraid. You're not sure why. You can't pinpoint what it is exactly. Simultaneously you tell yourself, "Oh, I don't want to think like that. I don't want him to think I'm unkind by letting the door close in his face. This is a silly fear. I should go in. I'm in a hurry anyway." You get on the elevator, the door closes, and the outcome isn't good.  

Your inner guidance is right there with you, as always, in the elevator scenario. It just happens to be giving you very clear signals in this particular moment as sensations of fear and confusion pulse through your body. Author Gavin de Becker says, "Think what an animal in the wild, a creature who spends its life trying to survive would do. There is not an animal in the world that would get inside a steel, soundproof chamber with another animal that seems dangerous and is twice its size."

Fortunately, we don't often encounter situations as dangerous as this one. Our inner guidance, however, is giving us signals all the time. We just tend to ignore, or override, the whispers. We stuff our negative emotions. We push through the physical symptoms. We ignore the racing heart and increasing shoulder tension in an effort to continue doing what we think we need to do in this moment - finish the work project, fit in this extra errand, nit pick the kids or spouse. As we forge through the emotional and physical symptoms - the whispers - of dis-ease, these whispers eventually get LOUDER. If we continue to push through and put band-aids on the screams, the screams become chronic. 

Our inner guidance wants what's best for us and it just wants to be heard. It's not always possible to stop what we're doing to check in with ourselves and fully embrace self-care in that moment. That's okay. Awareness is key. Notice and acknowledge the whispers. Become curious and be kind to yourself. Then, take care of yourself in whatever way you can.

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I have developed a program to guide you through this process of connecting with your inner guidance in my new eCourse - Free Your Mind. This six week course takes you through the steps I used to bring me out of the depths of my dis-ease and into a life that's better than I ever imagined. You'll gain a better understanding of the power of neuroplasticity and learn what you need to tap into this inner guidance yourself.

THIS WEEK:  Begin to notice and acknowledge the whispers of dis-ease in your body. Become curious and be kind to yourself. Then, take care of yourself in whatever way you can in that moment.


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